Sugar Cookies For All Occasions…


I LOVE cookies. .. I could be the cookie Monster.  Especially when it comes to decorated Sugar Cookies. I have been making these for over 40 years.  I made them for my children when they were growing up and now make them for my grandchildren.   I try to make them for each occasion during the year and on their birthdays.  The children have always loved helping me make these.

I remember baking cookies with my mother from the time I was a very young girl.  This is one of the special memories I wanted to create with my own children and grandchildren.  One of my grandchildren,  a 4 year old who lives in Denver, has even called me to say “Honey,the cookies are gone”  That means I need to get a box in the mail! When I visit them we do make cookies too.

I have used this recipe for about 35 years and find it to be fool-proof.  You can create these special cookies for any event just by purchasing a cookie cutter or being creative and designing your own cookie shapes.  I find most of my cookie cutters at Craft 2000 or  My tips are to use the metal or copper cookie cutters and to use only the best ingredients.  I always use my baking stones, they keep the bottoms from becoming too dark and the cookies remain softer.  If you do use metal cookie sheets, line with parchment paper.  Another good tip I recommend is to use the Wilton Coloring Paste when coloring the icing. I use a toothpick or the end of a small plastic knife to add the coloring to icing bowls.  When I am preparing the icing, I divide it out into heavy disposable bowls and use plastic silverware .   EASY CLEAN-UP!

Please see a few pictures of some of the cookies I have made and try this great recipe


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Welcome to my new grandparent blog.


My husband and I have been married 28 years and have a blended family that consists of 8 children, their spouses/significant other and at current count…13 grandchildren. Any family gatherings we have are big events.

My name is Pamela Shank but many of my grandchildren call me Grandma Honey or just Honey…they gave me this name.

The role of a grandparent has changed so much through the years and I feel our role is so important right now. There are a lot of tough issues our grandchildren have to face in society now and we need to be there to help them. We can teach them strong values and ethics and they can teach us that crazy thing called modern technology. Everything I know about my cell phone came from a grandchild and I have a lot of funny stories to share on that.
They still need some storybook reading, snuggling and someone to share secrets with. I love to bake and cook and my grandchildren are all interested in learning things in the kitchen. We all have special talents to share with them.

My purpose for this blog is to share this wonderful experience and for us to learn helpful things from each other. I need your help too!!

I do still work full time as an RN but in my free time I love to bake, cook and create recipes to enter in cooking contests. I have won many and have been so lucky to be a finalist in the Pillsbury Bake-Off 3 times!! I will share recipes and contesting information. I want to cover many other issues on this blog but I want to keep it light hearted and warming our hearts.

Please follow along with me and I hope I can give you lots of helpful information in a variety of topics.