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Super Chef Salad Served on a Board, Loaded with lettuce, veggies, meats and cheese. A complete meal.
Super Chef Salad

This Super Chef Salad served on a board is a meal you will want to serve often this summer. It is the ultimate salad loaded with veggies, meats, eggs, cheeses, and a variety of other toppings.

Arranging  this Super Chef Salad  on a board just makes it look a little fancier to serve to your family or guests.  It is a total meal that makes a great lunch or light dinner.  It would also be nice to take to a cook-out or covered dish dinner.

The heat has arrived here in WV and heating up the kitchen is not something I want to do. We do cook on our grill frequently, but sometimes a big tray of fresh veggies, with all of these fixins is really satisfying.

We were having salads for lunch after church one day, so this board was created. I had some leftover filet mignon, a thick piece of ham and turkey, and these veggies in the refrigerator. I only have the one picture, because I only decided to share it after I had made it.
Another good thing about a salad meal is that you can use whatever you already have. Even a small amount of a food looks great on a board.

For the toppings, I set out some garbanzo beans, cheeses, some nuts and cranberries, and 2 hard boiled eggs. Add your favorite salad dressings. It did turn out to be a Super Chef Salad.

Any variety of veggies, cheese, croutons, or fruits can be used.
If you like this idea, you may also want to try my other meals on a board:


Labor Day Recipes for 2


If you do not have a wooden board, creating one on any platter or baking sheet works great.  I have actually bought new baking sheets at Sam’s Club and created a tray to take to parties, so I could leave the trays there.

For more inspiration on making easy and impressive food boards, visit the BakerMama blog.

This post was shared on Sweet Little Bluebird Weekend Potluck.

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