I have always loved to be in the kitchen creating recipes and cooking with the grandchildren.
They know how I love to cook, bake, and enter cooking contests and I think that excitement has been passed on to them. They have been the inspiration for many of my contest recipes.
When they are small, we move a stool over to the kitchen counter or bring their small table into the kitchen. As they grow older, they have taken over the kitchen at times. They will even call me to tell me an idea they had for a recipe. See how much fun we have baking and cooking together!
Last year I was planning a visit to Denver, Co to see my little grandsons that live there. They love for me to mail them cookies, so I sent a box of things ahead that we could make cookies with while I was there. They worked so hard and were so proud of their cookies.
This grand-daughter was so proud of her creation when she was 4 years old.
Last year she made this tart recipe for a class project. It was the recipe that had got me invited to the Pillsbury Bake-off. She nailed it!
The following grand-daughter is always baking for her parties and holidays. When she was 10 years old she did the following cute cupcakes on her own.
I know many grandparents spend time in the kitchen with their grandchildren and I think these are the best memories we can make with them.
Be sure to read my next upcoming post on the cooking classes I am doing with the grandchildren.
This post shared on The Grand Social @ Grandma’s Briefs

Wonderful memories!
Thanks Helen…they are great memories. We have a lot of fun together.
LOL I LOVE that little critter cupcake! Personality plus!
Thank you. Her mother and I were both shocked when we saw those cupcakes..no one even knew she was doing them. I didn’t have a picture of them all set up. (lost pictures from computer once) They were even more cute than the picture I found.
Looks like a whole lotta fun going on there!
Thank you..a lot of fun and sometimes a lot of mess!! haha
What awesome times you’ve shared. I’m in cooking awe. I’m afraid I’m way better with computers than in the kitchen.
Mainly, I have similar sweet memories with most of my grandkids-only more centered around Minecraft mind puzzles, iPhone App giggles, and occasionally some online/offline Lego fun. BUT we have enjoyed several fun kitchen moments making homemade applesauce and, thanks to the magic of Pillsbury slice and bake sugar cookies and tons of toppings, decorated sugar cookies. And fortunately their moms are WAY better in the kitchen than I, so they are learning a lot of great baking techniques as well. 🙂 Have a great week and a Grand Social. 🙂
I think you would be my grandchildren’s hero with your computer skills! I only know what my grandkids teach me and they call me a dinosaur. Trying to do a blog is way out of my comfort zone. I watch a lot of videos on how to do things!! Hopefully it will improve over time..LOL. I read your site and you really have some great articles that I want to share.
I am with you — the kitchen is such a fun place to be with a grandchild. You are making memories that will last them forever. One of the things I remember most about my own grandmother was being in the kitchen with her.
I think it is a good life skill too. The kids become so independent and creative. There is a 10 yr old girl we know who only wanted a Kitchenaid stand mixer for Christmas last year.
Her mother doesn’t cook and they eat out every night. She spent the day with me a few weeks ago and we baked the whole time. She knew all about extracts, different flavor and texture combinations etc. I was amazed! She said she learned it from Foodnetwork. She wants to enter the kids Chopped cooking contest. We live far apart or I would help her more. It is amazing what these kids know now.
I think you need to have a nieces cooking day at your house…Just sayin’. *lol*
I know!!! that would be fun
This post just makes me smile. I remember cooking with my Nan and I love that my mother-in-law cooks with my boys. Great memories and great life skills.
Thank you..it truly does make some great memories. We are going to get another cooking day in tomorrow before school starts back.
I love to cook with my grandchildren. A couple of them look to be pretty darn good cooks, and I take at least partial credit for that! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I bet they are great cooks because of you. We are making special memories for sure