We recently finished our office remodel and I am excited to share it with you.
Every year my husband and I do a home improvement project. It seems that when you own a home the project list never ends. We have lived in our home for 29 years, but we still have things to do. This year we decided to do an office remodel for the spring project. Continue reading OFFICE REMODEL FOR A SPRING PROJECT →
What child does not love an Easter egg hunt! To a child, it rates right up there with Christmas morning and Trick or Treat.

Growing up, our family always had the most extravagant egg hunts. My mother worked on planning the family Easter egg hunt all year long. She would fill the extra bedroom with wrapped prizes that made it look like Christmas morning. She always included those large pre-filled Easter baskets that were filled with large toys. She would usually have at least 30-40 prizes. Continue reading EASTER EGG HUNT AT GRANDMA MAGGIE’S HOUSE →

Easter is just a few weeks away. Here is a fun treat to make for any get together.
This time last year I took a leap of faith and retired from my career as an RN. 
When anyone asks me what it is like to be retired, my answer is “Every day is Saturday”. That is what being retired feels like to me. Continue reading RETIRED AND HAPPY…ONE YEAR LATER →
Where Everything is Always Made with Love