Black Bean and Corn Salad, a delicious and healthy recipe that is a real crowd pleaser.
If you need a great side dish to serve your family, or to take to a covered dish event, this Black Bean and Corn Salad is perfect. It is low fat, colorful, full of veggies, and is coated with a delicious red wine, garlic, and olive oil dressing. Continue reading BLACK BEAN AND CORN SALAD →
This recipe for Garden Fresh Tomato Bacon Tart sure gets me in the mood for summer.

We are now having warm weather here and lots of fresh tomatoes. I created this recipe last summer and want to share it again. These were the best tomatoes from a local vegetable stand, and I had so many of them. I had never eaten or made a tomato tart but this recipe for Garden Fresh Tomato Bacon Tart was so good.

This recipe for Baked Beans and Wieners is perfect to for upcoming cook-outs, picnics, and summer parties.

My children always liked this dish when they were young. It seemed like someone brought a pan of Baked Beans and Wieners to any get together that we have attended. Continue reading BAKED BEANS AND WIENERS →
Where Everything is Always Made with Love