
Turning the Big 60 in Style. Most people dread turning  “60” but this was a celebration I was happy to see. 

Last week my husband Bob (alias Grandpa Bob or Papaw Bob) turned 60 and we celebrated with a 3 day party at a lake resort we love with 80 of our closest friends and family members. 

My son and his family flew in from Co, my daughter and her family came from NC, and  my brother and sister-in-law came from KY.  

Two and a half years ago, Bob was going thru a serious illness  and we are so thankful that our prayers were answered and he beat this.  I wanted to give us something positive to hold onto, so at that time I started planning this party.  There were a lot of behind the scene details I had to work out and I felt like I had planned a wedding, but I am so happy with the results.

We held the party at Stonewall  Resort in Roanoke WV.  Bob and I have gone here several times and this is our favorite place to go.  http://www.stonewallresort.com/

(Following 2 photos from Stonewall Resort website)turning-the-big-60-in-style-weekend-at-the-laketurning-the-big-60-in-style-weekend-at-the-lake

I worked with a wonderful event planner, Kaitlin, to reserve the room for the actual party, choose the menu, reserve rooms for our guests, plan the decorating,  and even determine how we wanted the napkins folded!  She covered every detail. I chose the theme of gold & black for the party.

I created the invitations on Shutterfly.  I had never done  anything  like this and was very pleased with my results.     ( tri fold card)turning-the-big-60-in-style

Image (17)Image (18)I was looking on the internet to get ideas of how to decorate and found this web site.  These  are so awesome and can be created in many colors.  The candy tube also serves as a party favor.    www.wanderfuls.comturning-the-big-60-in-style-weekend-at-the-laketurning-the-big-60-in-style-weekend-at-the-lake

The party week-end started on Friday.  Bob and I took our RV there and stayed at their campground so we could host some other events.  There is a foot-bridge you can cross from the lodge to the campground as well as a free shuttle service.

As guests arrived, they participated in some of the many activities the resort offers.  There is a pool, hot tub, golfing, hiking, bike trails, canoes, kayaks, paddleboats, stand up paddle boards, and fishing. 


Our guests also enjoyed a cruise around the lake on their boat.   

Two of my little grandsons who have not seen each other for 2 years were holding hands walking to the boat ramp.boat ride

After the boat ride we hosted an old fashioned weinner roast at the RV campfire with hot dogs, sauce, slaw, potato salad, baked beans, hashbrown  casserole, chips, cupcakes, decorated sugar cookies, s’mores and plenty of cold drinks!!   We later set off a few of the sky lanterns.   A lot of the guests enjoyed a late  swim at the lodge afterwards.


Bob’s son, Rob, and his girlfriend started Saturday morning by going fishing in his boat.  Much to her surprise, he proposed.  We are so happy to have this beautiful lady as a future daughter in law.10561837_10152605083391335_973670078657469418_n

The guests enjoyed the resort activities again and we set up a lunch buffet with pulled pork, meat & cheese tray, pepperoni rolls, salad bar, fruit tray, veggie tray, tacos in a bag, cupcakes, and sugar cookies.





Saturday evening was the actual party with a catered dinner buffet, DJ and dancing, and lots of laughter.   I had 8 of the round tables decorated with my nice centerpieces and did 1 kids table decorated with balloons, gold and black gift bags filled with flashing LED glasses, glow sticks and other party favors.  The children had a blast with their treats.


At the beginning of the party, Bob’s close friend & partner in trouble gave an emotional speech about their friendship. p001p39

Random party pictures…best time ever with best friends & family.p11p13p10p14p15p16p17p18p19p20p21p22p23p24p26p27p28


This is Bob’s beautiful 86 year old mother who partied all weekend…don’t let this innocent face fool you!  She told me that this will forever be the “wild weekend” to herp25

No clue what these 3 were doing..”Locomotion???”p30

Sunday morning ended with a wonderful breakfast buffet at the lodge.   

Bob and I have re-lived this weekend in conversation so many times and are both so thankful to everyone that gave up time from their busy lives to share this with us.  This was such a memorable way to turn 60




  1. This looks like a wonderful resort! I am glad your husband was able to experience something like this…we never know what tomorrow might bring. Blessings….laurie

  2. What an amazing job you did! Nothing short of spectacular. Maybe now that you are retired you could become a part-time party planner! Your husband must have been so thrilled. You done good. Can’t wait to see what you do for 70!

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