These beautiful, homemade cinnamon rolls are so delicious, and were made by some of my granddaughters at this week’s Kids Cooking Class.

The best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, made with grandchildren. Recipe is Pioneer Woman. The past few classes we have been working on breakfast recipes.  We have done simple things like cooking bacon and eggs to making souffles, wraps, quiche, omelets, a crostada, and French toast.  I wanted to teach them the art of making homemade cinnamon rolls, even if only this one time in their life.  I know that most people don’t take time to do this anymore but I want them to remember doing this with me.  The best recipe that I have ever used is the one from the Pioneer Woman.  I saw her demonstrate this on Food Network a few years ago and have made it several times.  Rave reviews every time!

The recipe she uses has a maple icing and it is delicious, but I used a confectioner sugar glaze for these and it is delicious too.

homemade cinnamon rolls, kids cooking, breakfastWe made ours in a large dutch oven.  Heat the milk, oil, sugar.

homemade cinnamon rolls, kids cooking, breakfastSprinkle the yeast. This was a great time to tell the girls about using Yeast.

homemade cinnamon rolls, kids cooking classhomemade cinnamon rolls, breakfastThey got a lot of experience with measuring flour in this recipe.

While the dough was rising, we had some quality time to talk, laugh, and discuss old fashioned baking.

homemade cinnamon rollsAdd more flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

homemade cinnamon rolls, kids cooking, breakfasthomemade cinnamon rolls, homemade cinnamon rolls, kids cooking, breakfastRoll out the dough.

breakfast, homemade cinnamon rollsThey enjoyed spreading the butter and this messy job was something they had not experienced before.

homemade cinnamon rollshomemade cinnamon rollsYummy…add the cinnamon and sugar.

homemade cinnamon rollshomemade cinnamon rollshomemade cinnamon rollsThe rolling it up was a challenge but they got it.


Satisfaction is when you see these beautiful slices.


Time to let them rise again, wash up, and clean up the kitchen.

Nothing can compare to the aroma of homemade cinnamon rolls baking.

homemade cinnamon rollshomemade cinnamon rollshomemade cinnamon rollsNext step, make the icing and cover the rolls.

For the icing that I use:  in a medium size bowl, stir together 2 cups confectioner sugar, 1/4 cup mascarpone cheese and 3-5 Tbsp milk until smooth.  Add small amounts of additional milk if needed to obtain consistency to drizzle.  Add the icing while rolls are still slightly warm but not hot.

homemade cinnamon rolls, breakfast, kids cooking classWe must sample these.

They packed some up to take home to their lucky parents who were anxiously awaiting them.

homemade cinnamon rollsThis was a very busy day with the grandchildren in the kitchen, but what a memorable day.  I was so proud of them.

HERE is the recipe  for the Pioneer Woman’s Homemade Cinnamon Rolls.  Please try this for your next special event.

Be sure to come back next week to see more results from our kids cooking classes.

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    1. They did!! I kept telling them how proud I am of them. They seemed to really have fun.

  1. What beautiful girls learning a skill they’ll always appreciate! I had no idea the effort was that ginormous! They look heavenly!

    1. Thank you for all of your sweet comments on this post and my others. You are certainly a person that admire and your comments mean a lot to me. I was thinking how fun it would be if we were neighbors and you could create all of your wonderful, fun activities and I would make snacks!!!

      1. Oh my goodness, YES! I’d line them up for arts and crafts and painting. Then. while I’m hanging the art show, you’d be creating pastries and lunch with them! We’d set up a sidewalk art gallery-cafe and patrons would come for miles!!!!

          1. I want to come live in this neighborhood and bring Amara with me! I will be in charge of the Super Soakers and chalk! But seriously those rolls look amazing and I am going to try and make them with Amara!

          2. I was so proud of the girls for doing them. It takes about a 4 hr block of time to do it all but worth it! What a great plan for the neighborhood!! haha
            I have made many different ones over the years, but this recipe from Pioneer Woman is the best and the dough always rolls out so easily. Maybe her secret is to be sure to use whole milk.

  2. I am very excited about this. My husband has been talking about learning to make home made cinnamon rolls for when the family comes over. I will share your recipe with him.
    p.s. your granddaughters are too cute!!!

    1. Thank you! They are the easiest ones I have ever made. Like I said, it is Pioneer Woman’s Recipe. They are really good.

  3. The cinnamon rolls look so good I can almost smell them. But from the looks on your granddaughters faces, even better than the cinnamon rolls was this wonderful bonding experience with their grandma!

    1. You are too kind but thank you. I ate my fair share of both of these, unfortunately!

  4. Wow, these rolls look great. Can you kids come to my house and make them?
    Thanks for sharing at Over The Moon party,

    1. Thank you…wish I could send them over with some of the cinnamon rolls!!

  5. Wow.. This Cinnamon Rolls look so perfect I can’t even smell the cinnamon here!!! Lol
    I think I will try your recipe with my boy. Thanks for sharing with #Alittlebitofeverything ..

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